baby chicks

Cozy Brooder - Weeks 1-3

Day old chicks are picked up from the hatchery and gently introduced to their new home.  These fuzzy yellow balls of cuteness are given electrolytes and provided a warm and comfy place to live.  They stay in the brooder until they grow their feathers and are ready to be moved outside to pasture.

white rock cornish cross

Fast Growth - Weeks 4-8

These cornish cross extra heavy meat-type birds are bred for meat and grow very quickly.   They spend the majority of their time on pasture inside the protection of a fenced enclosure.  They forage for bugs and seeds and munch on grasses.  They are also fed a commercial feed that provides all the necessary nutrients and protiens.

Ideal for Roasting - Week 9

At approximately week 8-9 they are taken to a licensed processing facility and typically yield a 4-5 lbs dressed bird.   Due to the more dense meat (less moisture) we find these chickens ideal for roasting.  We will usually have a variety of sizes of whole chickens in our store freezer available for sale.